Halloween week y'all,
So daylight savings was this week in Denmark, which means that it gets darker
even EARLIER than before, which I honestly did not think was possible. The sun
usually goes down around 4 PM and it is pitch Black by about 6 PM. I sure could
use some vitamin D. Pray for sun in Denmark!
Other than that, things are really looking up for us! It's too cold to rain
anymore, so we sometimes get extremely light snow, which is nice. I hated being
wet all the time. And besides the weather, the Lord has blessed us with tons of
new investigators!! Lots of our old investigators have slowly been falling out
of contact with us, so we desperately needed some new ones, and sure enough,
they came. Last night alone we got 3 new investigators. One of them is actually
a really funny story. We knocked on their door and told them about the
church, and they were NOT interested,
but then I noticed something. On their doorway they had a sticker of Mickey
mouse, so I asked them about it. Boom! We were in. They were absolutely
OBSESSED with everything Disney, and luckily, I've been to Disneyland many a
time, so I was able to have an instant connection with them. But you would not
beleive how obsessed this couple was with Disney. I'm not kidding when I say
that they had a room in the house that was completely covered with Disney, so
much that you could not see the walls or floor. It was incredible. And then
after we had talked about all their favorite Disney things, we were able to
turn the conversation back to the Gospel and even set up a return appointment!
Haha, thanks Disney.
So yeah, the work is really hastening. Margret should be getting baptized
either this Saturday or the next, so that's exciting! She's such an incredible
lady. Super funny too. Elder Hooper and I have started teaching the guest class
every Sunday again, so that's lots of fun. We usually never plan a lesson
because there is usually at least one investigator there that has some crazy
question that we end up talking about the Whole time. It's amazing to see how many
people come to that class now compared to when I first got here. We're being
truly blessed with tons of new people. The hard part is just turning them into
I've also spent a considerable amount of time down at the States office trying
to become legal. They've never had anyone in my situation before that comes
from England but lives in America, so they have no idea how to handle it.
They're demanding to see a bank statement from the Church to prove that they
can support me here in Denmark, but obviously that's very confidential and the
church can't give that out. But if they did see how much money was sitting in
the Church's bank account, I'm sure they would all be baptized immediately.
Sorry I don't have any crazy stories this week. We've just been busy with the
work. We taught tons of lessons this week, which is my favorite part of
missionary work, so I'm happy. I've got my dad Upstairs looking out for me.
Love that guy.
a great Halloween week everyone!!
you all!!
I just remembered, we started guitar contacting this week, so that's super fun.
K bye)