Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Kære Alle Sammen,

It's been another great week! Remember that man P*? Well, he's on baptismal date now. Hopefully he'll go under the water 4 weeks from now. He's such a sweet old man. A real good Fella. 

Elder Murphy and I have been on splits with some of the Elders in the Zone that needed help with finding. I would like to share one quick experience with what happened two days ago while on the island of Amager. We had been doing some contacting all day long to help them get some new investigators, and nothing was really working. So, we had a rendezvous back at the apartment and talked about what we could do differently. We decided to try something different and creative. We grabbed my guitar from the car, practiced a few songs, then hit the streets again. We found a nice non-nude beach and walked around contacting people asking them if we could sing them a song :) It was great!!

People were loving it, but still people weren't so open for giving out any of their info. Then we contacted the last man of the day. It was him and his girlfriend. We quickly realized that they didn't speak Danish, so we switched to English and found out they were from Italy! We asked if we could sing them a song and they were so happy! They listened, then the guy said ''I know a little about you guys... do you have some time to tell me about your church? I love religions.''.... Sweet!! So we walked away from the boardwalk and sat on the beach for a good 15 minutes talking. He was so open and we talked for ages about the plan of Salvation. Then near the end he said ''thank so much for the song, I love music''.

I asked him if he played the guitar (he looked like he did ;) you can just tell) he said yes, so I handed him the Guitar and told him to start playing some blues in G. Boom! He started jamming out, then I pulled out my harmonica and we had a little jam session together!! It was great. We got his info and are sending him over to the missionaries in Italy. It's just great to see how music can brighten up people's day, especially the Hymns of the Lord. 

Anyway, that was my neat experience for the week. F's* girlfriend gets here tomorrow, so we're gonna start teaching her and get a double baptism! 

I hope you all have a great week! Remember how incredible you are! 

-Ældste Bradshaw

Monday, May 23, 2016


Dearest friends and family,

Happy Monday!! Things here in Slagelse are just great. My new companion's name is Elder Murphy and we're just getting work done! He's from California and has been on his mission for about 1 year now. We've only been together for 6 days, but we're already seeing miracles! We set a standard for ourselves that we will always find a minimum of 2 new investigators a week (but honestly we'll probably far exceed that) and always have at least 3 progressing investigators. If you don't know what those words mean, I recommend you as an RM.

This last Wednesday while walking on the cobble stoned streets of Slagelse, we were in the middle of a contact with these two younger ladies when out of the corner of my eye I saw a very familiar sight... and old 90 year old man shuffling one inch at a time down the street!! I instantly recognized him as one of the investigators that the ZLs had in this area back when I was in Nykøbing Falster that I had taught on splits several times. Back then he was very positive, but moved apartments and was never found again by the Elders.

Well, I left Elder Murphy hanging to finish the contact and ran over to him! He instantly recognized the white shirts and tags and could hardly contain himself! Haha his name is Paul and we have now taught him twice this week and he is very excited to attend church with us this weekend. It's crazy how the Lord guides us on our paths to lead us to those that we need to talk to. It doesn't just happen for missionaries though, I'm certain that the Lord is guiding all of us each and every day to a celestial destination. We just need to listen to His Spirit and we can follow that guidance. 

Otherwise, we have been in Copenhagen to attend mission leadership council. We discussed some really good things that I really think can help the mission. Big things are just around the corner!! Wait, no, big things are already here!! Great and marvelous things happen EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's wonderful! 

Okay, I best be off. Remember, you are NEVER too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Do something amazing today. Christ, a God, came to earth as a man, so that we, as men and women, might become as God. We have soooooo much potential! Live up to it! 

I love you all.

Ældste Bradshaw

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Hey everyone!!

Sorry, it's going to be a short one this week. Elder Gudmundson is now gone and on a plane to Iceland. My new companion gets here first thing tomorrow morning. Until then I'm being baby-sat by two Elders in the District, Elder Light and Elder Dibble (They're so awesome!!)

I can't believe it, but I am now well into my final transfer in Denmark... weird. This last week has been incredible. We have been visiting Frank and doing service for him in his yard. He hasn't missed a Sunday yet and is still on track for his date next weekend :) he's so amazing. I wish you could all meet him.

But yeah... I have to get going, but remember that God is your Father and wants you to have the best week possible!!!! Make it a good one! Seize the day!! Throw away your TV! Climb a mountain! Start your own business!! Call that special someone... Pray to God for the first time in who knows how long! Do something epic, okay?

I love you all,

Ældste Bradshaw